Sabelway UW
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Sabelway is a Team build designed to clear The Underworld quickly and safely . Named after Sabel who often ran these tactics in late hours. Average time: 20 to 30 Minutes.
This Team build utilizes a larger 5 man main team to safely cover Quests and high-fail rate areas allowing for less experienced teams to be formed with a higher success of chest.
In the words of Sabel: "The only way you can fail is if you do something you're not supposed to."
Advanced Tactics can be utilized to significantly reduce run times to sub-20m.
D/W Spiker
Dhuum Bitch SB
T2 (Mtns / Pools)
T3 (Planes Pop)
T4 (Pits Pop)
- Emo Bonds LT. T3 and Emo perform standard duo pull.
- EoE is placed and SB places SB on Spiker so they don't get rended.
- Ball and spike for lab reaper.
- LT right wall blocks mindblades, and body swaps with D/W, casting VoS out of range of mindblades to avoid interrupts.
- SB casts on D/W while they're walking back.
- D/W spikes with eremites + Whirlwind until dead. D/R gets offspike and avoids standing next to D/W to get them hexed with clumbsiness.
- Advanced Tactics
- At lab reaper ball have LT pull far right while balling to allow D/R and Emo through while D/W + DB spikes. Emo stands at top of escort stairs. DR heads to basement keeper spawn.
- DB Gives D/W Spell breaker, EE's to reaper to take UWG. Once Emo has vengeful aggro, DB can seed the emo.
- D/W Kills center hallway keeper, Runs to take Escort, then performs body swap with LT.
- D/R Kills basement keeper and aatxe. Places EoE for first escort spike, and then performs second escort ball while maintaining range of emo.
- LT balls all Graspings while DR and DW kill skeles. Once grasping ball is dead, emo and LT head to finish UWG.
- Take Wrathful Spirits:
- DR places EoE for EE target, and takes hill.
- DW clears center and glitch group with DB.
- DB casts GDW on dervs and spirits to clear quicker. Seed as necessary.
- Rejoin with LT once vale is completed to do wastes.
- Advanced Tactics:
- One Derv stays to solo vale quest. All other 4 party members head to UWG and wastes.
- Standard UWG with LT and Emo.
- On the final keeper, ball all graspings and aatxe in the path to wastes for dervs to spike.
- Advanced Tactics:
- LT takes top keeper, Derv takes middle 2 keepers and clears path to wastes.
- LT Balls king side of wastes and dervs spike.
- LT balls monument side of wastes with enemies alongside dhuum path.
- For Quest LT tanks and lets skeles through for dervs to handle. Once all terrorwebs have spawned ball and spike with dervs.
- Get ready for tele to any incomplete quests.
Mtns / Pools (T2)
Standard T2. If not comfortable with quests or slow mainteam can assist.
- T3 pops and glitches full and semi glitch.
- Pop reaper once both glitches are secured. T4 may assist with this.
- Tele to plains (if necessary dirty pop, and have LT take aggro of mindblades)
- T3 and T4 tank quest with emo bonds, letting skeles through for dervs.
- If necessary to speed up quest, give dervs SB and have them jump in to kill 4H.
- T4 pops reaper and clears path for quest. Then heads to plains to pop reaper.
- Tele to pits. Dervs clear all enemies that will interfere with quests.
- LT stand on cliffside with longbow and bow pulls entire quest. (Usual T4 side)
- Dervs and monk take North spawns (Usual T3 side). Once souls are safe, Dervs spike cliffside.
Alternatively if T3/T4 want to practice quests, Have LT at cliffside ready to DC in if T4 fails, Dervs get ready to take over if T3 fails.- Advanced Tactics:
- Have T3/T4 complete Pits and plains quest as standard terraway duo.
- Advanced Tactics:
- Emo stands on altar, using D/R as body block glitch for Dhuum.
- Everyone but DB, DR, and Emo die and spam Dhuum's rest.
- DB does standard DB things. DR provides Honor.
- (optional: Team can pop a ranged stone (Gaki, Snowman, Grentch, etc) for additional damage, though it won't be necessary.)
Pros and Cons
- Much safer than T4way.
- Gives new players an opportunity practice roles safely without failing runs. Great stepping stone to getting into Terraway.
- Flexible mainteam allows for creative and fun tactics unique to each playgroup without risk of failure.
- Relatively slow. Not as fast as many advanced UW methods. Experienced teams will consistently get sub-cons, but teams that need to tele for every quest will likely be over 30m.
- Large skill gap between mainteam roles and terras provides barrier for rerolls and forming.
- Not lowman friendly.