Sabelway UW

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Revision as of 00:03, 5 October 2024 by X Xv X (talk | contribs) (Updated Source:member of Sabel's main play group back when she was doing runs every night. RIP the Emo girl boss, Sabel.)
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Shadow Form Shroud of Distress Ebon Battle Standard of Honor Wastrel's Demise Empathy Illusion of Pain Mantra of Resolve Death's Charge
Mystic Regeneration Sand Shards Vow of Strength I Am Unstoppable Staggering Force Eremite's Attack Whirlwind Attack Ebon Escape
Mystic Regeneration Sand Shards Vow of Strength Edge of Extinction Staggering Force Eremite's Attack Ebon Battle Standard of Honor Ebon Escape
Serpent's Quickness Seed of Life Spell Breaker Great Dwarf Weapon Pain Inverter Quickening Zephyr Blessed Signet Strength of Honor
Infuse Health Spirit Bond Ether Renewal Burning Speed Optional Protective Bond Life Bond Balthazar's Spirit
Shadow Form Shroud of Distress Viper's Defense Death's Charge Radiation Field Dwarven Stability Whirling Defense Winnowing
Shadow Form Shroud of Distress Heart of Shadow Death's Charge Ebon Battle Standard of Honor Dwarven Stability Whirling Defense Shadow of Haste
Obsidian Flesh Stoneflesh Aura Stone Striker Empathy Wastrel's Demise Wastrel's Worry Mantra of Earth Ebon Escape

Sabelway is a Team build designed to clear The Underworld quickly and safely . Named after Sabel who often ran these tactics in late hours. Average time: 20 to 30 Minutes.
This Team build utilizes a larger 5 man main team to safely cover Quests and high-fail rate areas allowing for less experienced teams to be formed with a higher success of chest.
In the words of Sabel: "The only way you can fail is if you do something you're not supposed to."
Advanced Tactics can be utilized to significantly reduce run times to sub-20m.




  • Emo Bonds LT. T3 and Emo perform standard duo pull.
  • EoE is placed and SB places SB on Spiker so they don't get rended.
  • Ball and spike for lab reaper.


  • LT right wall blocks mindblades, and body swaps with D/W, casting VoS out of range of mindblades to avoid interrupts.
  • SB casts on D/W while they're walking back.
  • D/W spikes with eremites + Whirlwind until dead. D/R gets offspike and avoids standing next to D/W to get them hexed with clumbsiness.
  • Advanced Tactics
    • At lab reaper ball have LT pull far right while balling to allow D/R and Emo through while D/W + DB spikes. Emo stands at top of escort stairs. DR heads to basement keeper spawn.
    • DB Gives D/W Spell breaker, EE's to reaper to take UWG. Once Emo has vengeful aggro, DB can seed the emo.
    • D/W Kills center hallway keeper, Runs to take Escort, then performs body swap with LT.
    • D/R Kills basement keeper and aatxe. Places EoE for first escort spike, and then performs second escort ball while maintaining range of emo.


  • LT balls all Graspings while DR and DW kill skeles. Once grasping ball is dead, emo and LT head to finish UWG.
  • Take Wrathful Spirits:
    • DR places EoE for EE target, and takes hill.
    • DW clears center and glitch group with DB.
    • DB casts GDW on dervs and spirits to clear quicker. Seed as necessary.
    • Rejoin with LT once vale is completed to do wastes.
  • Advanced Tactics:
    • One Derv stays to solo vale quest. All other 4 party members head to UWG and wastes.


  • Standard UWG with LT and Emo.
  • On the final keeper, ball all graspings and aatxe in the path to wastes for dervs to spike.
  • Advanced Tactics:
    • LT takes top keeper, Derv takes middle 2 keepers and clears path to wastes.


  • LT Balls king side of wastes and dervs spike.
  • LT balls monument side of wastes with enemies alongside dhuum path.
  • For Quest LT tanks and lets skeles through for dervs to handle. Once all terrorwebs have spawned ball and spike with dervs.
  • Get ready for tele to any incomplete quests.

Mtns / Pools (T2)

Standard T2. If not comfortable with quests or slow mainteam can assist.


  • T3 pops and glitches full and semi glitch.
  • Pop reaper once both glitches are secured. T4 may assist with this.
  • Tele to plains (if necessary dirty pop, and have LT take aggro of mindblades)
  • T3 and T4 tank quest with emo bonds, letting skeles through for dervs.
  • If necessary to speed up quest, give dervs SB and have them jump in to kill 4H.


  • T4 pops reaper and clears path for quest. Then heads to plains to pop reaper.
  • Tele to pits. Dervs clear all enemies that will interfere with quests.
  • LT stand on cliffside with longbow and bow pulls entire quest. (Usual T4 side)
  • Dervs and monk take North spawns (Usual T3 side). Once souls are safe, Dervs spike cliffside.
    Alternatively if T3/T4 want to practice quests, Have LT at cliffside ready to DC in if T4 fails, Dervs get ready to take over if T3 fails.
    • Advanced Tactics:
      • Have T3/T4 complete Pits and plains quest as standard terraway duo.


  • Emo stands on altar, using D/R as body block glitch for Dhuum.
  • Everyone but DB, DR, and Emo die and spam Dhuum's rest.
  • DB does standard DB things. DR provides Honor.
  • (optional: Team can pop a ranged stone (Gaki, Snowman, Grentch, etc) for additional damage, though it won't be necessary.)

Pros and Cons


  • Much safer than T4way.
  • Gives new players an opportunity practice roles safely without failing runs. Great stepping stone to getting into Terraway.
  • Flexible mainteam allows for creative and fun tactics unique to each playgroup without risk of failure.


  • Relatively slow. Not as fast as many advanced UW methods. Experienced teams will consistently get sub-cons, but teams that need to tele for every quest will likely be over 30m.
  • Large skill gap between mainteam roles and terras provides barrier for rerolls and forming.
  • Not lowman friendly.