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SC builds
Casual 5 Mesmer DoA (IT tactics)
Getting started with Mesmer in DoA
Getting started with Tank in DoA
In-depth guide to monk lord (Youtube)
Guide to salvaging 5'th room of foundry
Picking profession for beginners
Running uMod and Toolbox with GW Launcher (Imgur)
8 man with slowload: 13:47 GWSCR | 8 man without slowload: 14:58 GWSCR |
7 man with slowload: 15:49 GWSCR | 6 man without slowload: 18:58 GWSCR |
Frostmaw's Burrows
1 man: 8 min GWSCR | 2 man: 6 min GWSCR | 3 man: 5 min GWSCR |
Contact and links
You can reach me in game on Nieniel Cruz. If you are interested in my guild or have other questions, please send me a message on discord (Cruz#4273) as I can't always respond to messages in game. You may need to join one of the servers to send a message (see below).