User talk:Bears Darius

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My name is Darius (known as Bears in Guild Wars, I have been playing since 2012 and have met a lot of new people since I started playing my goal in the game to provide and help people in general throughout the game and be able to create a positive environment for all I have been doing a lot of regular PvE content but have shifted over to SC (SpeedClear Community) I first started with The Deep and FoWSC then moved onto Dungeon SCs then onto Elite Area (such in Domain Of Anguish)

I am currently in Legit Guild [LGiT] on both Luxon and Kurzick, I was only on Luxon due to the fact I did not have a 2nd account during the first few years of me playing but I was able to get a 2nd account and I added it to the Kurzick Side of [LGiT] if u would like to get into contact with me u can do so in-game my 2 IGN's are Darius Stormcharger [Luxon] and Demons Of Abbadon [Kurzick] I have also created a few texmods and are using them with other people's created texmods the list of texmods I am using with ones I created are listed here: - u will the name Bears (Darius) shown on the creation list *note* most of the texmods here belong to others as well I am only linking this in case u want to find where to download I am currently using SC Wiki as a guide for knowing what u need during SpeedClears listed here Thank u for your time and I hope to see u all in-game soon
