The Deep

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The Deep is an elite mission that is commonly run for Oni Stones, a chance to get rare skins with good inherent modifiers, and Luxon faction. Note that completing this mission in Hard mode does not give more Oni Stones compared to Normal mode. Since these Oni Stones are not as useful or valuable as the Gaki Stones from Urgoz's Warren, The Deep is generally done for fun rather than profit.


Every room in the Deep contains a unique environment effect applied to the party, and are either referred to by their environment effect or by their room number. In all rooms except the entrance and the final boss room, this effect can be dispelled by killing the resident Kanaxai Aspect. Defeating the Aspect is not necessary to pass through any of the rooms. In rooms where enemies need to be killed, if any enemies are resurrected by the Restoration spirit before the gate opens, they will need to be killed again.

R0 - Entrance

The party spawns in a room containing 4 teleportation pads: only the far right one will be active until 3 people walk into it, after which it switches off and the next one becomes active, and so on. Therefore, only 3 people can enter each teleporter, and each teleporter can only be entered when the one to the right of it has taken in 3 people.

The environment effect is 10 overcast being applied every 30 seconds. Since Overcast dissipates at a rate of exactly 1 per 3 seconds, this effect has almost no consequence, but after 2 minutes, the Overcast is applied more rapidly, so it's strongly advised to not linger, and get through the teleporters without delay.

R1 - Small Rooms

Each of the entrance teleporters leads to a small room containing one group of enemies and a Kanaxai Aspect. The exit from each of these rooms leads to the Aspect of Pain room. The rooms are listed in order from right to left:

R1.1 - Aspect of Soothing

  • Environment effect: -50% adrenaline gain
  • Enemies: 2 Dark Irukandji, 2 Ripper Carps, and the Aspect
  • Gate open condition: kill all enemies (except the Aspect, which can be ignored)

R1.2 - Aspect of Death

  • Environment effect: -20% incoming heal
  • Enemies: 2 Scourge Mantas, a Dark Irukandji, a Ripper Carp, and the Aspect
  • Gate open condition: kill all enemies (except the Aspect)

R1.3 - Aspect of Surrender

  • Environment effect: players are knocked down every time they are hit with an attack
  • Enemies: 3 Ripper Carps and a Scourge Manta - the group can usually be balled without aggroing the Aspect.
  • Gate open condition: kill all enemies (except the Aspect)

R1.4 - Aspect of Exposure

  • Environment effect: players cannot block attacks
  • Enemies: Ripper Carps - can be pulled without aggroing the Aspect.
  • Gate open condition: kill all enemies (except the Aspect)

R2 - Aspect of Pain

  • Environment effect: -2 health degen and 20% reduction to incoming healing
  • Enemies: several Ripper Carp patrols, individual Blessed Mantas, Scourge Mantas, Darkened Irukandjis, and the Aspect
  • Gate open condition: kill all enemies (except the Aspect) - also opens all the gates leading from the previous 4 rooms.

R3 - Aspect of Lethargy

  • Environment effect: -50% movement speed
  • Enemies: Leviathan Arms, Leviathan Minds, Leviathan Heads, and the Aspect
  • Gate open condition: a player must simultaneously stand on all 5 of the pressure pads around the room - the gate will close again 2 seconds [Verification required] after someone steps off. Note that it is possible for one player to trigger 2 pads by shadow-stepping directly from one to another.
  • Note: There are several Fire Flowers around the room.

R4 - Aspect of Depletion

  • Environment effect: every 30 seconds, you lose 10 Energy and take 8 points of damage for every point of Energy lost this way
  • Enemies: There are 5 caster groups in this room.
    • C1 - 3 Deathhands and 1 Ritualist
    • C2 - 3 Spellstorms and 1 Deathhand
    • CL - 3 Spellstorms and 2 Deathhands
    • CR - 3 Spellstorms and 2 Deathhands
    • CM - 1 Ritualist, 3 Deathhands, 1 Spellstorm, and the Aspect
  • Gate open condition: kill all enemies (except the Aspect) - also opens the gate leading from the Aspect of Lethargy room.
  • Note: After a player comes far into the room, many Sapping Nightmares and Freezing Nightmares spawn in the previous room and run towards the gate. These will re-spawn if killed.

R5 - Aspect of Failure

  • Environment effect: all spells fail
  • Enemies: mixed Outcasts
  • Gate open condition: no gate

R6 - Aspect of Shadows

  • Environment effect: you cannot use enchantments or be targeted by enchantments
  • Enemies: many Oni of the Deep pop-ups, numerous individual Reborn Irukandji, the Aspect, and The Leviathan pop-up
  • Gate open condition: no gate

R7 - Scorpion Aspect

  • Environment effect: every 30 seconds, you are teleported to the nearest foe and knocked down
  • Enemies: mixed Outcast groups, 5 patrols of Onis of the Deep totalling 32 Onis, and the Aspect
  • Gate open condition: kill all Onis

R8 - Aspect of Fear

  • Environment effect: you move 10% faster, but take 25 damage each second you are moving - this makes Seed of Life a very reliable source of healing
  • Enemies: many Oni of the Deep pop-ups, and the Aspect
  • Gate open condition: no gate
  • Note: After a player comes far into the room, many Sapping Nightmares and Freezing Nightmares spawn in the previous room and run through the room to catch the party. These will re-spawn if killed. There are numerous Thorn Flowers throughout the room.

R9 - Aspect of Depletion

  • Environment effect: whenever your Energy hits 0, you take 50 damage
  • Enemies: numerous Sapping Nightmare patrols and the Aspect
  • Gate open condition: no gate

R10 - Aspect of Decay

  • Environment effect: -4 health degen if you are Poisoned or Bleeding
  • Enemies: many Oni of the Deep pop-ups, 2 mixed Outcast groups, and the Aspect
  • Gate open condition: no gate
  • Note: There are numerous Blood Flowers and Venom Flowers throughout the room.

R11 - Aspect of Torment

  • Environment effect: you take 50 damage every 3 seconds if you don't use a skill
  • Enemies: numerous Oni pop-ups, a mixed Outcast group, and the Aspect
  • Gate open condition: no gate

R12 - Nightmare Aspect

This is the final room, containing only Kanaxai himself. The environment effect is -8 health degen. Defeating Kanaxai completes The Deep and spawns the end chest, but the effect never disappears.
