Making High Quality Cookies [亡囗囗大]

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亡囗囗大 Cape


Created in 2021, [亡囗囗大] is an international guild boasting a packed and active roaster from all over the world mostly focused on variety dungeon speedclear with occasional Urgoz, Deep, FoW and UW activity.

Our guild is mainly focused on its inner activity, and also has its own active guild discord.


[亡囗囗大] is not actively recruiting new members however we are always open to new faces wanting to join us.

At the core, we are a speedclear guild so we are mainly looking for sc players that will involve themselves into the guild activity (even if once a week).


Lazy Leader
Comfortably Erect
Hot Officers 
Alessia Skywalker
Banh Mi Arrows
Fish The Pirate
I No One
Karly O
Olav De Derv
Pucca Likes Pancake
Ranger Banned
Teh Luvs Melandru
The Infector Rules
And many lovely members (and some bad boys like Verata)


A discord server is available to the whole guild with tons of ressources, few bots and lots of members available at any time of the day to have a good laugh with.

It is used to keep up-to-date with the guild news, organize events (PvE, PvP, Sc), track guild record runs and interact which each other.

You are only required to be present on voice chat when we are pushing for new heights.


(TAS) Solo Bogroot Growths (Tekks) - 08:01 (WR)

(TAS) Duo Bogroot Growths (Tekks) - 05:40 (WR)

(TAS) 8man Bogroot Growths (Khabuus) - 04:44 (WR)

(TAS) Duo Ooze Pit - 03:29 (WR)

(TAS) Duo Cathedral of Flames - 05:14 (WR)

(TAS) Duo Bloodstone Caves - 03:20 (WR)

(TAS) Duo Rragar's Menagerie - 09:30 (WR)

(TAS) Solo Oola's Lab - 06:38 (WR)

(TAS) Duo Oola's Lab - 05:45 (WR)

(TAS) Solo Sepulchre of Dragrimmar - 04:25 (WR)

(TAS) Duo Sepulchre of Dragrimmar - 02:51 (WR)

(TAS) 11man Urgoz's Warren - 04:57 (WR)

Guild Tactics