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*It will take more time for the ToC VoS to complete the ToC quest since he will not be able to quick send Rastigan.
*It will take more time for the ToC VoS to complete the ToC quest since he will not be able to quick send Rastigan.
*Spiking the first ball requires at least one VoS to stay back, meaning they will be late to arrive at Forge.

Revision as of 23:38, 28 August 2016

Everyone uses Death's Charge to jump up the first cliff and then run through Tower of Courage aggro, taking care not to aggro the first ball. If someone on the team has Recall, he should cast it on one of the other players going ToCway and try to keep the Abyssals and Shadow Rangers near the ToC VoS, making it easier for him to ball them. Typically, this tactic is used if the team is balling and spiking first ball.

<Insert map of route here>

Comparison with midway


  • The first ball is not aggro'd so that it can be balled.
  • Players arrive at battlefield slightly faster compared to midway.


  • It will take more time for the ToC VoS to complete the ToC quest since he will not be able to quick send Rastigan.
  • Spiking the first ball requires at least one VoS to stay back, meaning they will be late to arrive at Forge.