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(Created page with "==Curse of the Nornbear== ===Main Objectives=== *Spawn the 1st Nornbear by approaching his location. *Spawn the 2nd Nornbear by approaching his location. *Spawn the 3rd Nornbe...")
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I offer no guarantee that this is 100% correct. This is only based on my (fairly extensive) observations. <span style="color:#FF0000">Red text</span> indicates that I'm not sure about something. These things will probably require an annoying amount of research to determine the truth.
==Curse of the Nornbear==
==Curse of the Nornbear==
===Main Objectives===
===Main Objectives===
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==Destruction's Depths==
==Destruction's Depths==
===Main Objectives===
===Main Objectives===
*Approach the Stone Dwarves at the end of level 3 to trigger their dialogue. When the dialogue is complete, the Asura Gate will become a portal to level 3.
*Approach the Stone Dwarves at the end of level 2 to trigger their dialogue. When the dialogue is complete, the Asura Gate will become a portal to level 3.
*Kill all the enemies on level 3 to complete the mission.
*Kill all the enemies on level 3 to complete the mission.
*To open the gate on level 1, kill the 5 Destroyers guarding it.
*To open the gate on level 1, kill the 5 Destroyers guarding it.

Latest revision as of 15:56, 26 June 2018

I offer no guarantee that this is 100% correct. This is only based on my (fairly extensive) observations. Red text indicates that I'm not sure about something. These things will probably require an annoying amount of research to determine the truth.

Curse of the Nornbear

Main Objectives

  • Spawn the 1st Nornbear by approaching his location.
  • Spawn the 2nd Nornbear by approaching his location.
  • Spawn the 3rd Nornbear by approaching his location. He will be allied at first, and turn hostile after a few seconds.
  • Kill the 3rd Nornbear.


  • Players can interact with the Shrine of the Wolf Spirit to temporarily equip the skill Volfen Aura.
  • If the 1st or 2nd Nornbear's health drops below 50%, he uses Spirit World Retreat and disappears.

Blood Washes Blood

Main Objectives

  • Kill the 5 groups of Charr inside Jora's homestead (everything except the Dominator and Prophet at the south entrance).


  • All the gates can be opened by running through them with Ursan Force.


  • Killing the three Charr boss groups around the Shrine of the Bear Spirit allows players to interact with the shrine to temporarily equip the skill Ursan Aura.

A Gate Too Far

Main Objectives

  • Kill the Asura Gate.


  • The gate leading to the Shrine of the Raven Spirit opens when a party member approaches.
  • The gate leading to level 2 opens when the group of Destroyers close to the gate is killed.
  • When a party member approaches the Shrine of the Raven Spirit, a Destroyer Tremor, a Destroyer of Sinew, and a Destroyer of Thoughts.
  • 8 seconds after killing the Sinew and the Thoughts, 2 Destroyers of Hope spawn.
  • 8 seconds after killing the Hopes, a Destroyer of Hordes and a Destroyer of Deeds spawn.
  • 8 seconds after killing the Hordes and the Deeds, 2 Destroyers of Bones spawn.
  • Killing the Bones gives the party a 2% Morale Boost, and allows players to interact with the shrine to temporarily equip the skill Raven Aura.
  • 10 seconds later, many groups of Destroyers spawn along the path towards level 2.
  • Killing the last group of Destroyers opens the gate.


  • On levels 2 and 3, players can talk to Olaf Olafson to temporarily equip the skill Raven Aura.
  • On level 3, the surrounding groups of Destroyers collapse on the first Destroyer Tremor pop-up when it is spawned.
  • When a party member approaches the Asura Undergate (or when the Tremor is killed?! And how fast should they spawn?), 10 Destroyers will start spawning from it.

Against the Charr

Main Objectives

  • Kill Harvest Soulreign.


  • Charr Explosives can be used to kill 7 of the enemies inside the base before approaching:
  • Killing Groknar Weazlewortz's group and destroying the Supply Carts kills the group of 1 Axemaster and 1 Seeker.
  • Firing Anmat the Trickster's northern Siege Devourer kills the Devourer Catapult.
  • Destroying the north-western watchtower kills the group of 1 Flameshielder and 1 Dominator.
  • Destroying the southern watchtower kills the group of 2 Axemasters.
  • Firing Frazar Frostfur's southern Siege Devourer appears to do nothing, except update the quest log.
  • None of those enemies spawn until a player character comes within compass range, so it is possible to avoid them by flagging heroes inside the base to complete the objective. Dying and watching from the heroes' PoV will not trigger the spawns.

Warband of Brothers

Main Objectives

  • Kill Flamemaster Maultooth.


  • Each gate next to a Charr Prison Lock is opened by a Prison Key, dropped by Charr Prison Guards.
  • The guard on level 2 can be resurrected by his group, and if killed again, he will drop another key. If the second key is picked up after using the first one, the quest log will show that the party has a key, but this does not actually allow any gates to be opened.
  • The gate leading to level 2 opens when Seer Fiercereign is rescued.
  • The gate leading to level 3 opens when Cowl Fiercetongue is rescued.


  • The Charr Prison Guard and his group on level 1 will run away when first aggroed.
  • The group of four casters guarding Seer Fiercereign will run away when first aggroed.
  • Approach Seer Fiercereign after killing the four casters, and he will follow the party, but he does not fight or use skills until level 2 (although enemies will attack him).
  • Approach Cowl Fiercetongue, and he will follow the party, but he does not fight or use skills until level 3 (although enemies will attack him).
  • Approach Roan Fierceheart, and he will follow the party.
  • The first Charr Prison Guard on level 3 will run away when first aggroed.
  • The third Charr Prison Guard on level 3 will run away when first aggroed.
  • Flamemaster Maultooth and the two Charr Seekers next to him will walk part of the way down the stairs.

Assault on the Stronghold

Main Objectives

  • Kill all the Charr and Destroyers around the captured Vanguard.


  • The Charr allies will move forward to attack the enemies at the right Siege Devourer when the party approaches them.
  • When both groups guarding the devourers are defeated, several things happen:
  • Both devourers can now be ordered to attack the bluff or the gate on their side.
  • Four groups of 4 Charr Seekers spawn on the bluffs above the gate, each group corresponding to to a Siege Devourer target area.
  • Every 30 seconds, if one of the four groups has less than 4 Seekers alive, a new Seeker will spawn. ...I think.
  • 1 Charr Axemaster, 1 Blademaster, and 1 Bladestorm spawns at each of the teleporters and run to attack the devourers.
  • After around 33 seconds, another Axemaster, Blademaster, and Axestorm will spawn at each teleporter.
  • No more will spawn unless 3 of the ones on a side die.
  • I'm really not sure that's how it works, but whatever.
  • Bonwor Fierceblade stands on the hill overlooking the battlefield, and no longer uses skills or fights back when attacked.
  • An Armored Saurus spawns at the zone portal and runs towards the Fortress Gate.
  • When the Saurus reaches the gate, it deals ~4% damage to the Fortress Gate Integrity every 2 seconds. When the Integrity reaches 0, the gate opens.
  • If the Saurus dies before the gate is open, a new one will spawn after 10 seconds.
  • When the gate is opened, several things happen:
  • The Charr enemies stop spawning.
  • Bonwor Fierceblade follows the party and actively fights again.
  • The other Charr allies stand outside the gate.
  • The Armored Saurus runs through the gate and starts attacking the enemies. This doesn't appear to happen immediately - not sure what the exact trigger is.
  • When a party member or the Armored Saurus aggroes the Charr beyond the gate, they run away.
  • Approaching the stairs leading towards the captured Vanguard triggers Hierophant Burntsoul's dialogue, but does not actually release the Destroyers. Ascending the steps releases the Destroyers, causing them to run out and attack the Charr, and the Charr to change their positions.

The Elusive Golemancer

Main Objectives

  • Get to Oola.


  • On level 1, talk to the second Worker Golem from the left.
  • All the Sentry Golems in the room will turn hostile.
  • The Worker Golem will start walking across the room, stopping to fight any enemies it encounters.
  • When the Worker Golem reaches the Golem Gate Lever, the gate will open.
  • If the Worker Golem dies, the Sentry Golems lose all conditions and hexes and turn allied, and the Worker Golem respawns in its original location.
  • If a Sentry Golem dies, it respawns in its original location as an ally.
  • For the gate to level 2, use the Golem Disabling Lever at the far side of the room.
  • The 4 nearest Sentry Golems will immediately turn hostile.
  • After 15 seconds, the rest of the Sentry Golems in the room will turn hostile.
  • 60 seconds after pulling the lever, the gate will open.
  • Interact with the first Mystical Keyholder to receive the Crystalline Key.
  • All the Sentry Golems in the room will turn hostile.
  • Bring the Crystalline Key to the other Mystical Keyholder to open the gate; the Sentry Golems will turn allied.
  • Dropping the Crystalline Key turns the Sentry Golems allied. Picking it up turns them hostile again.
  • If a Sentry Golem dies, it will immediately re-spawn at its original location.
  • To open the gate to the Indestructible Golem, move a Worker Golem to each of the pressure plates in front of the gate.
  • Each Worker Golem will de-activate (no longer moving, using skills, or taking aggro) when it reaches a pressure plate.
  • To open the gate to level 3, kill the Indestructible Golem.


  • Talking to the Worker Golem with the Golem Fire Shield causes it (and the shield itself, an untargetable but independent agent) to start patrolling up and down the room.
  • On level 3, each group of Golem Sentries turns hostile when a party member gets close (approximately cast range, but different for each of the three groups).

Finding the Bloodstone

Main Objectives

  • Kill the Inscribed Ettin.


  • Both the gates at the ends of levels 1 and 2 are opened by Gadd.
  • Kill the Inscribed Sentry.
  • Bring Livia to its corpse so she can use Extract Inscription.
  • Bring Gadd to the Inscription Stone so he can use Decipher Inscriptions, opening the gate.

Genius Operated Living Enchanted Manifestation

Main Objectives

  • When a party member approaches Sokka, a 5 minute timer is started, during which Destroyers spawn at the hive and make their way towards the Golem Kilns.
  • At the end of the timer, 2 Bringers of Destruction spawn in the hive.
  • When entering spirit range of the Bringers for the first time, 4 Destroyer Spawns will spawn, "Defeat the Bringers of Destruction protecting the hive." will appear in the quest log. Kill the Bringers to complete the mission. If the Bringers are killed before the objective appears, the mission will not complete.
  • If either the Northern Golem Kiln or the Eastern Golem Kiln dies, the mission fails.


  • After the Bringers have spawned, approach Sokka to have him follow whichever player calls a target, or if no target is called, whichever player moves.
  • Players can talk to Sokka to receive an Asuran Beacon.
  • Dropping the beacon spawns a G.O.L.E.M. 1.0, which will follow whomever dropped the beacon.
  • If less than 2 G.O.L.E.M. 1.0s are alive, accepting a beacon will start a 30 second timer until another beacon is available. If there are 2 golems alive, the timer will sit at 0 until one dies.

Destruction's Depths

Main Objectives

  • Approach the Stone Dwarves at the end of level 2 to trigger their dialogue. When the dialogue is complete, the Asura Gate will become a portal to level 3.
  • Kill all the enemies on level 3 to complete the mission.


  • To open the gate on level 1, kill the 5 Destroyers guarding it.
  • When a party member approaches the Norn on level 2, waves of Destroyers start spawning from several directions. Once all the waves are defeated, Olaf Olafson will run to the gate and open it.

A Time for Heroes

Main Objectives

  • Kill the Great Destroyer.