Hello :)
-Underlords and lords
Normal derv hill
Skip gloom trench
SW ML patrol
MT Recall tk Pull Ranger lord Recall tk Take quest Recall IAU Pull Mesmer and Necro lords
VoR Eoe on right hill Bow left patrol and kill it Hold/kill right patrol while mt goes past Kill Mesmer lord (spread out) Kill Necro lord
TK Recall mt Kill Ranger lord Kill Mesmer lord Kill Necro lord
IAU Kill left side patrol Recall emo Give recall to MT Kill ele lord
Minion Kill left side patrol Create minions and guide them to where emo can ee Hold/kill right patrol while mt goes past Kill Mesmer lord (spread out) Kill Necro lord
MLK Derv hill Pull up ML trench pop Kill ML
Emo Keep bonds on MT/TK from right side of right hill EE to minion Pop warhorn for Ele lord