DoA Dinkelweg

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Dinkelweg is an off-meta tactic used by TFZ in Domain of Anguish. It got its name from the alternative tactics requiring Good-Natured > Wholesome > Wholegrain > Spelt > Dinkel (German for spelt) players.

The goal isn't to go for time, but rather to have fun by making lots of shiny animations that kill things. Despite this being the primary objective, subcons is more than achievable with a 24 being our best run to date with still lots to improve.

Whilst the builds are more than capable of performing 6-0, we generally run 3-3 whilst our growing community of Dinkel players get more and more familiar with the tactics. In particular, the use of an ST backline can make 6-0 very tricky.

Like all our off-meta tactics, if you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to discuss with us in our TFZ Discord Server :).


I Am Unstoppable Shadow Form Shroud of Distress Dark Escape Shadow of Haste Heart of Shadow Death's Charge Recall
I Am Unstoppable Shadow Form Shroud of Distress Dark Escape You Move Like a Dwarf Heart of Shadow Death's Charge Recall
Glyph of Energy Dragon's Stomp Churning Earth Earthquake Pain Inverter Obsidian Flame Finish Him Recall
Glyph of Sacrifice Meteor Shower Savannah Heat Fire Storm Breath of Fire Edge of Extinction Finish Him Air of Superiority
Ebon Battle Standard of Honor Double Dragon Death's Charge Light of Deldrimor Inferno Flame Djinn's Haste I Am Unstoppable Glowing Gaze
Stolen Speed Weaken Armor Chaos Storm Wastrel's Demise Unnatural Signet Spiritual Pain You Move Like a Dwarf Empathy
Auspicious Incantation Balthazar's Aura Ray of Judgment Snow Storm Seed of Life Healing Seed You Move Like a Dwarf Patient Spirit
Soul Twisting Shelter Union Earthbind Armor of Unfeeling Summon Spirits Life Bond Balthazar's Spirit

The splits and tactics stay very similar to meta 3-3 and 6-0, helping to aid the tactic transition. For spikes, the combination of Earthbind and Dragon's Stomp/Earthquake shuts down the enemies and prevents scatter, whilst enemies sit down and explode in the amazing animations from AoE damage skills. As well as a bulky Earthbind, the use of an ST makes up for the lack of Mistrust in Foundry rooms as there aren't many enchantments for Dream Riders to remove.

Example Spike

Trench Tank (TT)


Assassin/Warrior TT
I Am Unstoppable Shadow Form Shroud of Distress Dark Escape Shadow of Haste Heart of Shadow Death's Charge Recall
Shadow: 12+3+1, Tactics: 7, Dagger: 10, CS: 4

Make sure you reach the requirement of your shield (taking into account weakness) and invest the rest of the points in Dagger mastery and Critical Strikes for the Wall and Foundry Rooms.


Normal Tank Equipment is used.


You should ball the same groups the TT does in 3-3 or 6-0 tactics in exactly the same way, and glitch trenches/do the MLK split in 3-3 and 6-0 respectively.

Build Usage

  • You wall all waves of 360.
  • During 360, the IAU will cast Double Dragon on you during waves 1/2/5 so if you have a stance up for these waves, put it lower down the hill to avoid hitting a foe and getting aggro with the IAU.
  • Dagger the Sus on the wall, the IAU will cast DD on you so its important to stand next to them for additional damage.
  • At Fury, wait until you see the enemies are knocked and then jump into the spike for additional Double Dragon damage.

Main Tank (MT)


Assassin/Warrior MT
I Am Unstoppable Shadow Form Shroud of Distress Dark Escape You Move Like a Dwarf Heart of Shadow Death's Charge Recall
Shadow: 12+3+1, Tactics: 7, Dagger: 10, CS: 4

Make sure you reach the requirement of your shield (taking into account weakness) and invest the rest of the points in Dagger mastery and Critical Strikes for Foundry Rooms.


Normal Tank Equipment is used.


You should ball the same groups the MT does in 3-3 or 6-0 tactics in exactly the same way.

Jadoth Pull

You rely on Union rather than Protective Bond to keep you alive during the Jadoth pull in Veil. As a result, you should stay in range of Union and remain on your normal armor set. 4 assassin enchantments and Union reduce the Demonic Miasma damage to 15 and you should have permanent Seed of Life from the monk which will effectively cover the rest. As in meta tactics, you should avoid dodging too many attacks to avoid exploding Union. The spirit range doesn't quite reach the edge of the cliff, so HoSing up is a good idea - this will also give you some respite from Demonic Miasma triggers whilst the enemies run around to catch up to you. If you can ball Jadoth without Seed, this should be no problem.


Jump onto the Fiends for waves 3 and 4 after completing the pull. The IAU will cast Double Dragon on you and this helps getting the rangers (who have high armor vs elemental damage) below 90% to proc EoE.


You should interrupt the slashes from the non-hexed tendril during the 3-3 kills to assist the TK in killing the tendrils and to reduce Shelter triggers. You can also use the anniversary shortbow to deal extra damage.

Foundry Room 4

Use Recall on the ST and DC onto the groups in Room 4 as the IAU will cast Double Dragon on you. Make sure you recall out before each wave dies to avoid catching aggro of the next wave. You are the DD target to avoid the DD aggro chains that could be caused by the TT pulling the next wave.



Elementalist/Assassin TK/Knocks
Glyph of Energy Dragon's Stomp Churning Earth Earthquake Pain Inverter Obsidian Flame Finish Him Recall
Earth Magic: 12+3+1, Energy Storage: 12+3

Note the breakpoint at 19 Energy Storage for an extra skill to be covered by Glyph of Energy.


  • Sup Vigor, Radiant and Attunement
  • 40/40 Earth Magic set
  • +30/-2 High Energy set (shouldn't be needed with Glyph but useful just in case)
  • Any Flatbow/Longbow for pulling


Your splits are the same as TK splits in 6-0 tactics (i.e. Ranger Lord, recall chains with the IAU and Manks on City wall) Your job is to lead the spike team and call every spike (you do NOT want to be interrupted on the knocks because another spiker went before you). Without an effective snare, enemies will scatter causing the spike to fail.

Build Usage

  • Cast Knock > Churning Earth > Knock on all spikes. (NB: Churning Earth knocks all moving enemies in hard mode, so when they get up after the first knock, they will immediately be knocked down as they attempt to scatter).
  • Obby flame is a highly effective single target spell (Wall, Foundry Rooms, Mes Trench, Ranger Lord), dealing 199 damage per cast.
  • Spam obby flame and Finish Him on the Manks on the wall; its not worth casting EQ/DS.
  • You are responsible for catching the Earth Tormentors at wave 4 Cave as you are the only mid/backline with a jump.

Tendril Killing

As the TK, you are responsible for killing the usual TK tendrils. To do this, use honor and Glyph before the quest is taken and immediately cast PI on the back tendril. Switch to the front tendril and use Churning Earth, Obby Flame, Knock, Obby Flame. Switch to the back tendril again and use another Obby Flame/Knock to finish it off.

Killing Ele Lord

With Shelter instead of Protective Bond, you take a lot more damage from Sandstorm, so it is even more useful to re-apply your Lightbringer Title. There are two ways to kill the Ele lord - trying to kill it just using Shelter and PI/Obby flame is highly risky and therefore not recommended.

  • 1) Cast PI on the Lord and recall out to the ST during the Sandstorm cast. The PI triggers from you, the ST, and spirits will kill the Lord quickly. Note that Sandstorm is not always the first skill cast by the Lord, so you will need good reactions.
  • 2) For a much easier life, simply cast PI and pop a Tengu Flare.



Elementalist/Ranger EoE
Glyph of Sacrifice Meteor Shower Savannah Heat Fire Storm Breath of Fire Edge of Extinction You Move Like a Dwarf Air of Superiority
Fire: 12+3+1, BM: 11, ES: 6+3


  • Sup Vigor, Radiant and Attunement
  • 40/40 Fire Magic Set
  • +30/-2 High Energy Set
  • Any Flatbow/Longbow for pulling


Your splits are the same as the VoR in meta tactics. Generally use skills in the order shown in the build. You have some of the best animations so try to cast all skills every spike, subject to energy and overcast management.

Build Usage

  • Put EoE for each spike in the normal places (skip for Turtle in Mes trench as you can't jump back down). Just like when EoE is brought on the VoR in meta/low man/record tactics, you should split off early from spikes that are in quick succession to place EoE early.
  • AoS is used as energy management and to recharge EoE and skills where this can have a benefit (e.g. City spikes and Darknesses).
  • Glyph > Meteor Shower to reduce the cast time
  • Savannah Heat in Honor is the primary source of your damage. Fire Storm/Breath of Fire are additional animations that also help spikes.
  • You may need to manage your overcast, particularly during successive spikes such as 360.



Elementalist/Assassin IAU
Ebon Battle Standard of Honor Double Dragon Death's Charge Light of Deldrimor Inferno Flame Djinn's Haste I Am Unstoppable Glowing Gaze
Fire: 12+3+1, ES: 12+3, Shadow: 3


  • Sup Vigor, Radiant and Attunement
  • 40/20/20 Fire Magic Staff
  • 20/20/+15/-1 High Energy Staff
  • Any Flatbow/Longbow for pulling


Your splits are the same as the IAU in 6-0 meta tactics and you are responsible for off damage. For spikes, generally Double Dragon whoever is tanking and then use DC+IAU to jump onto the off damage and prevent knock down. Use the rest of your PBAoE skills to add further damage to get the enemies below 90%. There are some exceptions to this noted below.

Build Usage

  • Honor before all spikes for the rest of the team
  • For 360 Fiend Waves 3+4, cast Double Dragon on the MT who will jump with you onto the off damage. For wave 6, cast Double Dragon on a minipet/Ghost.
  • For room 4 Foundry, cast Double Dragon on the MT, not the TT and don’t jump in. This avoids you getting aggro when the TT pulls the next wave.
  • If running 6-0 tactics, you are responsible for killing what is normally the back IAU tendril in meta 6-0 tactics and pulling the groups to the team. Use DC to avoid getting stuck and IAU to prevent cripple/knockdown.
  • You are responsible for the Sus on the wall. Cast Double Dragon on the TT, use YMLaD to keep the enemies in place and use Glowing Gaze for additional damage, burning and energy management.
  • Do not jump in to the spikes in Foundry Room 3 and 1st inside City spike - just DD the tank otherwise you run the risk of getting stuck/missing the next spike respectively.



Mesmer/Necromancer Empathy
Stolen Speed Weaken Armor Chaos Storm Wastrel's Demise Unnatural Signet Spiritual Pain You Move Like a Dwarf Empathy
Domination: 12+3+1, FC: 12+3, Curses: 3


Elementalist/Mesmer MLK
Incendiary Bonds Shell Shock Glimmering Mark Flare Ebon Escape You Move Like a Dwarf Great Dwarf Weapon Arcane Echo
Air: 12+3+1, Fire: 11+3, ES: 6


  • Sup Vigor, Radiant and Attunement
  • 40/40 set
  • +30/-2 High Energy set
  • Any Flatbow/Longbow for pulling
  • +10AR vs Demons Shield Set


Your splits are the same as the MLK in 6-0 meta tactics (except that in 3-3 you kill the Necro Lord then the front Tendrils like the Empathy role). You play a vital support role for the spikes and as a Mesmer have good general utility. This role is an excellent introduction to the tactics for newer players as the Mesmer primary is commonly used in meta and the role is relatively simple to play.

Build Usage

  • For spikes, Stolen Speed on a central target for the the team's casting times and Weaken Armor for them to deal additional damage. After that, use Wastrels/Chaos Storm to help on spikes (as the enemies are knocked down, Wastrels deals a lot of damage).
  • For MLK in 6-0 you will be responsible for killing the Monk Lord on your own. Where this is the case, the lack of Backfire will slow down the kill. Maintain Empathy on the lord and use Spiritual Pain and Unnatural Signet on recharge. DO NOT use Chaos Storm or YMLaD.
  • You kill the front Tendils in 3-3 (or the MLK tendril in 6-0). Be careful not to kill the tendril too quickly - Chaos Storm lasts 10 seconds!
  • Chaos Storm is very powerful on the wall against the Manks. Also make sure you use Weaken Armor on the Manks so the Eles do more damage.



Monk/Mesmer RoJ
Auspicious Incantation Optional Ray of Judgment Snow Storm Seed of Life Healing Seed You Move Like a Dwarf Patient Spirit
Smiting: 12+3+1, Heal: 10+3, DF: 8+3, Inspiration: 2
  • Arcane Echo 3:3 Arcane Echo for longer seed uptime for dangerous parts of the run (e.g. Clover, 3-3, Jadoth).
  • Balthazar's Aura 6:0 Balthazar's Aura (pre cast for faster spikes) for more damage and better synergy with Auspicious Incantation


  • Sup Vigor, Radiant and Attunement
  • 40/20/20 Smiting Prayers staff
  • 20/20/+15e/-1 High Energy Smiting staff
  • Any Flatbow/Longbow for pulling


The RoJ role is cited as one of the more intelligent roles to be able to play well, particularly for new players to the tactics (whereas the spikers can generally just use different skills the usual time). You can drive a lot of damage on spikes but are also responsible for keeping the team alive through the effective use of Seeds.

Build Usage

  • Cast seed very early - before the spike - particularly when you need to use Healing Seed. This is because during the spike, the enemies will be knocked and therefore will not trigger seed and you want to be able to Echo > RoJ to assist the spike. Note that without Fast Casting, Healing Seed and Echo take 1.5sec to cast (RoJ should benefit from Stolen Speed).
  • You should use Healing Seed whenever the ST is tanking with spirits (mainly Mes Trench Turtle and 3-3). Healing Seed also heals the spirits and therefore makes the wall very big and very bulky. It is also useful if the snakes get stuck in Foundry.
  • As RoJ, you skip the second inside city spike to take the quest reward. Always wait for the ST and MT to say they are ready. Cast Echo before accepting the reward- this allows you to seed the ST immediately once your reach him/her so that the Jadoth pull can be safer.
  • Different to 3-3 and 6-0, you should occasionally seed on the wall to top off everyone's health. The energy management is pretty strong on these bars and without Prot Bond and Infuse Heal, the team can get low quite easily.
  • Use Patient Spirit as a reasonably strong heal (there is no Infuse Health from the EMo for quick healing).
  • If running 6-0, you are responsible for killing the front IAU tendril. Cast RoJ, Snow Storm and YMLaD on the tendril, and use another YMLaD/Wand to finish it off when the back IAU tendril dies.



Ritualist/Monk ST
Soul Twisting Shelter Union Earthbind Optional Summon Spirits Life Bond Balthazar's Spirit
Communing: 12+3+1, SP: 12+3, Protection: 3
  • Armor of Unfeeling 3:3 Armor of Unfeeling keeps spirits bulky and makes energy management easier.
  • Ebon Escape 6:0 Ebon Escape provides increased mobility in faster runs at the cost of trickier energy management.


  • Sup Vigor, Radiant and Attunement
  • +10e/+1 Communing Staff
  • +10vs Demons Shield Set
  • Any Flatbow/Longbow for pulling (Anniversary Flatbow for some extra off dmg is ideal)


You are the source of Protection for the team and provide Earthbind for spikes. Earthbind works even on foes with Stun Immunity (Titans) and therefore is crucial for spikes in Foundry and also helps everywhere else for the additional 1sec per KD. The ST has a crucial and a challenging role to play at Jadoth and 3-3/6-0.

Build Usage

  • Maintain Life Bond and Balth on the MT between 3rd Room Foundry up to Jadoth inclusive. Maintain Life Bond on the MT at Ranger Lord, Clover and 3-3/6-0.
  • Maintain Spirits for the team, particularly Earthbind for Spikes.
  • Like an EMo in meta tactics, you are the recall target for the tank (as you have bonds) so maintain range where appropriate.
  • Be wary of the Sus on the wall killing your spirits. Shout at the team to finish them off if they leave any.
  • Wall Mes Trench Turtle, Ele Lord Patrol and 3-3/6-0 spikes with Spirits - make sure you stand just in front of them so you get hit to trigger Healing Seed.


  • Stay in range of the TT until s/he finishes the ball (dont go outside the wall too early - you will lose range if you are on the wrong side of the wall as the tank pulls the enemies up.
  • When the tank has finished the ball, go outside the wall and stay in range until just before the team starts spiking, at which point you can leave as the Knocks will stop the tank taking damage.
  • Run below the cliff in City to the left of the Jadoth gate and put up ST, Union and Armor of Unfeeling. At this point, let the Monk know you are ready for the quest.
  • Spam Summon Spirits to heal Union and if you need to recast it, cast a new Armor of Unfeeling quickly. Make sure you move the spirits so they dont get aggro of the Jadoth groups.
  • Stay in place until the tank jumps in to finish the ball. At this point, cast Shelter for the team during the spike and then begin to run round to get your chest. You can't help much at Jadoth or even wave 2 of 360 so dont be greedy and leave too early in case Union explodes.


  • Put Shelter and Union in range of allies but not in range of any tendrils and use Armor of Unfeeling to support their health.
  • Recast spirits to wall.