DoA Doublecast

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Doublecast is an off-meta tactic used by TFZ in Domain of Anguish. It comprises a set of builds focused around the 5 "Doublecast" elite skills from each of the Elementalist attributes.

The goal isn't to go for time, but rather to have fun by spiking in a different manner and keeping the game/area interesting. This particular off-meta tactic is good to introduce players with, given the tactics are almost identical to meta 3-3.

Like all our off-meta tactics, if you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to discuss with us in our TFZ Discord Server :).


I Am Unstoppable Shadow Form Shroud of Distress Dash Shadow of Haste Heart of Shadow Death's Charge Recall
I Am Unstoppable Shadow Form Shroud of Distress Dark Escape Ebon Battle Standard of Honor Heart of Shadow Death's Charge Recall
Double Dragon Return Inferno Flame Burst Pain Inverter Glowing Gaze Finish Him Recall
Earthquake Ebon Escape Aftershock Stone Sheath Crystal Wave Obsidian Flame You Move Like a Dwarf Lightbringer Signet
Intensity Rodgort's Invocation Liquid Flame Meteor Ebon Escape Energy Boon You Move Like a Dwarf Earthbind
Ebon Escape Lightning Touch Gust Light of Deldrimor Whirlwind Teinai's Wind You Move Like a Dwarf Edge of Extinction
Ebon Escape Mirror of Ice Frozen Burst Light of Deldrimor Icy Prism Glowing Ice You Move Like a Dwarf Healing Seed
Burning Speed Spirit Bond Ether Renewal Infuse Health Ebon Escape Life Bond Protective Bond Balthazar's Spirit

Trench Tank (TT)


Assassin/Warrior TT
I Am Unstoppable Shadow Form Shroud of Distress Dash Shadow of Haste Heart of Shadow Death's Charge Recall
Shadow: 12+3+1, Tactics: 7, Dagger: 10, CS: 4

Make sure you reach the requirement of your shield (taking into account weakness) and invest the rest of the points in Dagger Mastery and Critical Strikes.


Normal Tank Equipment is used.


You wall the last wave of 360. Swap with the Main Tank between Room 3 and Jadoth so the team have Honor for the wall and Jadoth.

Main Tank (MT)


Assassin/Warrior MT
I Am Unstoppable Shadow Form Shroud of Distress Dark Escape Ebon Battle Standard of Honor Heart of Shadow Death's Charge Recall
Shadow: 12+3+1, Tactics: 7, Dagger: 10, CS: 4

Make sure you reach the requirement of your shield (taking into account weakness) and invest the rest of the points into Dagger Mastery and Critical Strikes.


Normal Tank Equipment is used.


  • You should generally ball the same groups the MT does in 3-3 and cast Honor for as many spikes as possible. Use HoS before each Honor at 360 and 3:3.
  • You tank the Titans in Foundry Room 3 to provide Honor and swap roles with the TT from this point until Jadoth to provide Honor for Fury and the wall.
  • Note that without SoH, you need to pull the enemies to the other side of the Captain and stand still to avoid enemies switching targets once activated.
  • DC to the Fury ball right as they're getting knocked by Earthquake, so the spikers can jump to you.
  • Honor and bow/spear the PI'd tendrils at 3:3.



Elementalist/Assassin TK
Double Dragon Return Inferno Flame Burst Pain Inverter Glowing Gaze Finish Him Recall
Fire Magic: 12+3+1, Energy Storage: 12, Shadow Arts: 3


  • Sup Vigor, Radiant and Attunement
  • 40/20/20 Fire Magic staff
  • +30/-2 High Energy set
  • Any Flatbow/Longbow for pulling


  • Your splits are the same as TK splits in 3-3 tactics (i.e. derv Lord, Recall chains with the IAU)
  • Spam PI on the Sus on the wall and use it wisely in Foundry rooms.
  • As the TK, you are responsible for killing the usual TK tendrils. To do this, stand on the centre tendrils and use PI on the back tendril and PBAoE skills to kill the close tendril. If the tank hasn't bowed the back tendril to finish it off, make sure you use Glowing Gaze to do so.



Elementalist/Dervish "Empathy"
Earthquake Ebon Escape Aftershock Stone Sheath Crystal Wave Obsidian Flame You Move Like a Dwarf Lightbringer Signet
Earth Magic: 12+3+1, Energy Storage: 12+3, Wind Prayers: 3


  • Sup Vigor, Radiant and Attunement
  • 40/40 Earth Magic Set
  • +30/-2 High Energy Set
  • Any Flatbow/Longbow for pulling


You are the caller, so lead the spike team and call every spike to ensure good knock timing. Your splits are the same as the Empathy in 3:3 tactics



Elementalist/Ritualist "Backfire"
Intensity Rodgort's Invocation Liquid Flame Meteor Ebon Escape Energy Boon You Move Like a Dwarf Earthbind
Fire: 12+3+1, ES: 12+3, Communing: 3


  • Sup Vigor, Radiant and Attunement
  • 40/20/20 Fire Magic staff
  • +30/-2 High Energy Set
  • Any Flatbow/Longbow for pulling


  • You are responsible for Off Damage. To do this successfully, ensure you Intensity>Rodgorts>YMLAD a central target in the off damage.
  • Provide Earthbind before each large spike, especially in Foundry Rooms.
  • Cast Energy Boon on anyone who needs energy.
  • Your splits are the same as the Backfire in 3:3 tactics



Elementalist/Ranger "VoR"
Ebon Escape Lightning Touch Gust Light of Deldrimor Whirlwind Teinai's Wind You Move Like a Dwarf Edge of Extinction
Air Magic: 12+3+1, ES: 8+3, Beast Mastery: 10


  • Sup Vigor, Radiant and Attunement
  • 40/40 Air Magic set
  • +30/-2 High Energy Set
  • Any Flatbow/Longbow for pulling


  • Provide EoE for spikes
  • Your splits are the same as the VoR in 3:3 tactics.



Elementalist/Monk "Monk"
Ebon Escape Mirror of Ice Frozen Burst Light of Deldrimor Icy Prism Glowing Ice You Move Like a Dwarf Healing Seed
Water Magic: 12+3+1, ES: 8+3, Healing: 10


  • Sup Vigor, Radiant and Attunement
  • 40/20/20 Water Magic set
  • +30/-2 High Energy Set
  • Any Flatbow/Longbow for pulling


  • Seed for all spikes in Veil, Black Beast, stuck Snakes and at Jadoth for the EMo's energy.
  • Your splits are the same as the Monk in 3:3 tactics



Elementalist/Monk EMo
Burning Speed Spirit Bond Ether Renewal Infuse Health Ebon Escape Life Bond Protective Bond Balthazar's Spirit
ES: 12+3+1, Protection Prayers: 12, Healing: 3


Usual EMo equipment


  • As per EMo in meta tactics. Note your role will be more challenging due to the lack of a monk and Foundry Rooms can be very challenging on energy given everyone is into spikes.