Darkrime Delves

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Darkrime Delves can be ran for a chance at a Cobalt Staff. The quest The Misanthropic Jotun Principle given by Einarr Frostcleft in Bjora Marches is required.

Instructional video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZcUchZmRaY&t=1s

Area Description

Level 1

Team runs to the the dwarven keg station, breaks an ice door, then uses the second keg station to kill the boss for the key. Toolback clicker can be used to drop a new keg every 50ms. Otherwise, a single player can gate glitch through two doors and run the team to level 2.

Level 2

The team runs to the boss using dash and ebon escape. One player stays back and is a "gater" the person is irrelevant, as long as its not the tank. Once at the boss, the tank will use shadow of haste and pull the mobs surrounding the boss away. Another team member will aggro the boss and walk him back to the ressurection shrine. The tank uses dash and teleports back to the kill location. The tank casts barbs and weakness on the boss and the team members echo ebon assassin to spike the boss (2600 hp). This should take less than 10 seconds.

Casting weakness is critical because the boss can 1 hit kill any team member.

Level 3

Team runs to the boss chamber. The tank will once again use shadow of haste to pull the mobs to the far left corner. They will glitch/get stuck in that location for the remainder of the dungeon. While the mobs are being pulled away, another team member will use a longbow to aggro the boss and pull him to the right wall. At that time, the tank uses dash and teleports to the kill spot, immediately casting weakness and barbs. The remainder of the team uses arcane echo and ebon assassin + daggers to body block and kill the boss.

The chest spawns. An expirenced team can do the entire speed clear and only kill 2 enemies.

[丹尺爪己] Guild Speed Clear Builds


Shroud of Distress Shadow Form Dwarven Stability Dash Shadow of Haste Barbs Ebon Escape Heart of Shadow
Shadow: 12+1+3, Curses: 12,


Shroud of Distress Shadow Form Dwarven Stability Dash Ebon Battle Standard of Honor Enfeebling Blood Ebon Escape Death's Charge
Shadow: 12+1+3, Curses: 12,

Pocket Sin x6

Shroud of Distress Shadow Form Dwarven Stability Dash Arcane Echo Ebon Vanguard Assassin Support Ebon Escape Death's Charge
Shadow: 12+1+3, Dagger: 10, Crit: 8