Trench Tank

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Trench tank, abbreviated as TT, is a role in all dual tank DoASC tactics. It is mostly done by an assassin, although any profession can do the job effectively as /A; ranger trench tanks are fairly common, especially in speed tactics.


The TT often splits off from the team, doing pulls in all 4 areas without bonds. Because of this independence, and the complicated nature of some of the pulls, TT is generally considered to be the most advanced role in DoASC, often left to the most experienced player in the team.


I Am Unstoppable Shadow Form Optional Heart of Shadow Optional Shadow of Haste Shroud of Distress Recall

Optional 1

In this slot you need a cancel stance

  • Dark Escape for damage reduction at Derv Lord
  • Dash for more speed throughout the run

Optional 2

In this slot you typically want a targeted shadowstep

  • Death's Charge for an easy to use shadowstep and heal, makes city faster
  • Shadow Walk for two shadowsteps in one skill, makes monk lord faster


The only attribute in your build is Shadow Arts, and you want 12+1+3 on it. Invest enough points to meet the requirement of your shield, usually Tactics, and finally put the rest into Dagger Mastery and Critical Strikes for some autoattack damage.


The name "trench tank" comes from before the Necrotic Traversal nerf, when the TT would teleport down into the trench and pull all of the lords into spiking range of the hills, so the rest of the team didn't have to go down any trenches. After pulling the lords, the TT would teleport into gloom and ball all of cave before the team even arrived!