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Latest revision as of 23:50, 16 June 2022

Equipment: Chyqv5p.png

Throughout this guide the following assumptions will be made. Note this guide is as a supplement to the video/s to explain what isn't obvious.

1) You have an understanding of the game mechanics discussed here https://wiki.fbgmguild.com/wiki/Main_Page

2) You have watched at least 1 Solo UW video.

General terminology.

- Agro extend: When you pull a patrol enemy, fully break the group, then re-agro it. The group will then pull a further compass range from where you re-agro it.

- DS = dwarven stability

- Server side speed boost: When you walk sideways into an enemy (most commonly a moving enemy) and you get server side pathed around them.

- Server side pathing: When the server tries to path you round an enemy (at full speed)

Chamber Terminology:

- Patrol skele: The skele which patrols throughout chamber

- Stairs bladed: The bladed that patrols/stops on the stairs closest to wastes

- Cleave: The damage taken from bladed deadly riposte/duplicate skill.

- Corner block: The action of obstructing a large mob on a corner so they may not attack you.

- Bottom of stairs spot: The corner block safespot at the bottom right of the right set of stairs.

- Top of stairs spot: The corner block safespot at the top left of the right set of stairs.

Vale terminology.

- Emo groups: The 3 groups of tortured spirits which spawn closest to reaper, Emo usually does this in casuals.

- Buggies: The 3 groups of tortured spirits where the last 2 groups don't fight back.

- 3x6: The 2 groups of 3 tortured spirits closest to bridge.

- Cliff: The group of 3 tortured spirits on the cliff/next to the tower near reaper.

Chamber. Nightmare count:

Within chamber there are 3 patrolling bladed which patrol back and forth between 2 points. If they stop at their patrol point, it means a nightmare will spawn when you agro the bladed. You will note at the beginning of solo UW vids, we do not pop cons until we have seen that we are guaranteed 2 nightmares on the 2 closest bladed patrol spawns (3rd is not viable within the time frame needed to avoid skele). There are additionally 2 other possible random nightmare spawns which are not tied to specific mobs. A minimum of 3 nightmares are required in order to-out damage graspings/bladed (within a reasonable time frame). This means we are guaranteed 2 out of possible 5 nightmares, and only therefore need 1 additional nightmare (but preferably 2). You also need to check the bladed near the first centre keeper aren't too close, you don't want to tank them while you kill the keeper.

Choosing where to whirl. See table 2nGo2nG.png